Monthly Archives: January 2020

Turandot (Ping)

Festival Castell de Peralada 13/08/2016 Opera World - Roberto Benito

"... Other winners of the night were the Ping-Pang-Pong ministers, respectively played by Manel Esteve, Francisco Vas and Viçens Esteve Madrid. Vocally they were magnificent with a filling in the ensembles since their stage presentation in the first act and taking care of the different solo interventions of...


Turandot (Ping)

Festival Castell de Peralada 07/08/2016 El País -Javier Pérez Senz

"... Impeccable, by voice and theatrical success, the trio of imperial ministers formed by the baritone Manel Esteve and the tenors Francisco Vas and Vicenç Esteve Madrid..."


Turandot (Ping)

Festival Castell de Peralada 08/08/2016 ABC - Pablo Meléndez-Haddad

"... Fantastic Vicenç and Manel Esteve brothers in their roles..."
